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Mar 15, 2021

Buckle Up Friends! We hope you are ready for the most geeked out fascia-related episode to date on this show! It gets a little intense, because Chris is so intensely dedicated to learning, then educating others with navigating their bodies. 

You can catch him most days Live at:

Chris Kidawski has been in the health and fitness profession for over 17 years now.  His journey started in 1999 when he quit playing football for The University at Buffalo and decided if he can’t be in the NFL, he was going to help people get there.

Roster of Credentials:

Bachelors in Social Science

Masters in Kinesiology

Strength coach for 23 years

Trained Navy SEALs & professional athletes

Over 8 certifications related to health and wellness

Business owner for over 6 years

Self-Published 9 books, 3 were bestsellers

Interested in Physiology, Psychology

Speaker and presenter

World traveller

Chris has written 5 more books on eliminating pain from the human body. Based largely on his own experience opening up fascia and fixing injuries in his own practice, he lays out a road map showing how the body is connected and what to do to truly work towards opening the body, creating space so you can move freely.

Today, Chris is working with Pso-Rite, the most innovative health company on the planet revolutionizing the way people see and eliminate pain in the human body. He consulting and speaking on all facets of health and wellness to help people live and feel better.  His new goal is to never stop helping people open up their hearts, their minds, and ultimately their lives.